World's First Dengue Vaccine " Dengvaxia" Approved in 11 countries - PHARMA WISDOM

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

World's First Dengue Vaccine " Dengvaxia" Approved in 11 countries

Dengvaxia, world's first vaccine for the deadly disease dengue has been approved in 11 more countries.
Dengvaxia was approved by the Health Sciences Authority on Tuesday following a seven-month review into its potential benefits and risks, and will be made commercially available in several months' time.
Sanofi-Pasteur, a unit of French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, that manufactures the only approved dengue vaccine on Tuesday said that the vaccines has received approval in 14 countries.
Recently, the health authorities of Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore have granted the approvals for Dengvaxia. Mexico, the Philippines, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore have already granted it the approval.
The dengue vaccine also prevented eight of 10 hospitalisations due to dengue and 93 per cent of serious dengue cases like the deadly hemorrhagic form of the disease, over the 25-month study follow-up period of the large-scale efficacy studies conducted in 10 endemic countries in Latin America and Asia.
Dengue: which causes flu-like illness, and occasionally develops into a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue -- has long been an issue on the small tropical island nation.
According to information from the National Environment Agency, there are currently six high risk areas in the country where 10 or more cases of dengue have been logged.
According to major clinical studies involving individuals between the ages of two and 16, Dengvaxia is effective in reducing dengue illness by 60 per cent, and severe dengue illness by 84 per cent.
For more details check below links:

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